What is your current postcode?
Maximum 8 characters
What was your previous postcode?
Why did you move to your new build home? (please tick all that apply)
Do you own or rent your new build home?
What was your situation at your previous address?
How many people at your household are ... ? (please enter a number in each relevant box)
At the time of answering this survey, do you work from home?
Is there enough flexibility in your home to accommodate your working from home needs permanently?
At the time of answering this survey, how often do you commute to work? (please enter the number of days per week that each person in your household commutes work, e.g., Person 1. 4 days)
Please tell us the locations of each of your workplaces and schools, and the type of transport you use for each person in the household? E.g., Person 1. School, Tiverton, Cycle
What would make you use your car less? (please tick all that apply)
Do you have a garage?
About your new home. How satisfied are you with the following?
Is there anything else that you are either satisfied or dissatisfied with about your new home?
What would increase your level of satisfaction about your home?
About your neighbourhood. How satisfied are you with the following?
Is there anything else that you are either satisfied or dissatisfied with about your neighbourhood?
What would increase your level of satisfaction about your neighbourhood?
Is there anything else that you would like to say about your new home and/or neighbourhood?