Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension - Area B Public Consultation

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Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension Area B Masterplan.

We're seeking views from the public about Area B of the Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension (EUE).

The Tiverton EUE is a 153ha site, allocated for development, to the east of Tiverton. It already benefits from the Tiverton EUE Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which was adopted in 2014 and then revised in 2018. Whilst the Adopted Masterplan SPD covered the whole of the site it was not able to consider all of the site to the same degree of detail. This was due to the absence of some site-wide survey work on land to the rear of properties on the southern side of Post Hill. The area of land now known as Area B.

Plan showing Area A and Area B in local context

Mid Devon District Council planning policy requires the whole area to be masterplanned prior to any development happening on the area.

A period of public consultation is planned between 20 November 2024 and the 10 January 2025. It will focus on:

  • a new point of access from Post Hill including changed prioritisation of traffic;
  • the location for the formal sports including on the southern side of the former railway line;
  • up to 10 units being served off Mayfair; and
  • a more traditional form of layout for the main street.

View the consultation material

To view the consultation website: https://consultwithyou.co.uk/tivertoneue/consultation

The Adopted Tiverton EUE Masterplan SPD, previous versions of studies, surveys and consultation responses can be viewed on the on the Council’s website (History - Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension page).

Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension Area B Masterplan.

We're seeking views from the public about Area B of the Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension (EUE).

The Tiverton EUE is a 153ha site, allocated for development, to the east of Tiverton. It already benefits from the Tiverton EUE Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which was adopted in 2014 and then revised in 2018. Whilst the Adopted Masterplan SPD covered the whole of the site it was not able to consider all of the site to the same degree of detail. This was due to the absence of some site-wide survey work on land to the rear of properties on the southern side of Post Hill. The area of land now known as Area B.

Plan showing Area A and Area B in local context

Mid Devon District Council planning policy requires the whole area to be masterplanned prior to any development happening on the area.

A period of public consultation is planned between 20 November 2024 and the 10 January 2025. It will focus on:

  • a new point of access from Post Hill including changed prioritisation of traffic;
  • the location for the formal sports including on the southern side of the former railway line;
  • up to 10 units being served off Mayfair; and
  • a more traditional form of layout for the main street.

View the consultation material

To view the consultation website: https://consultwithyou.co.uk/tivertoneue/consultation

The Adopted Tiverton EUE Masterplan SPD, previous versions of studies, surveys and consultation responses can be viewed on the on the Council’s website (History - Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension page).

Page last updated: 11 Feb 2025, 01:23 PM