Tiverton Work Hub

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The Market Centre building in Tiverton is proposed to be transformed into a vibrant co-working space, providing flexible office space to support business growth.

Demand for work hubs in the UK has increased due to the growing number of people working for themselves and doing so from home and many larger employers reducing their office space and allowing staff to work from home more frequently.

Co-working space provides an environment for isolated workers to come together to network, share ideas and operate from a professional space that they otherwise couldn’t do from home.

The former youth centre and community space has been empty for nearly 2 years. This proposal will bring back into use this building, which is at the heart of the town centre, enhancing the footfall and vibrancy of the area.

The space will be designed to be welcoming, modern and professional and authentic to its setting.

The space will provide the following facilities:

  • Reception Area
  • Large open plan office accommodating approx. 20 No desks
  • Breakout space
  • 3 No smaller offices/meeting rooms
  • Kitchenette
  • Booth Seating
  • Toilets
  • Outdoor space for working and eating
  • Secure bike parking
  • Facilities : ultra fast broadband; photocopier/scanner; coffee machine

The outdoor space will require the loss of 4No public car parking spaces and some reconfiguration of the carpark layout. However, this is unlikely to have any significant impact on user availability.

Previous consultation was undertaken in Feb 2024 which sought to understand the need for this type of space and the type of facilities required. A drop-in event was held and an online survey was undertaken, with 69 responses received. This identified strong demand for this type of facility.

It is intended that the work hub will be managed by an experienced operator and the Council are currently seeking expressions of interest from potential operators. Users are likely to either have a monthly membership where they can use the space as and when or can rent a co-working desk or private studio office on a more adhoc basis.

The proposed work hub in Tiverton will complement other work hubs in the district.

Programme – Construction works are anticipated to start in November 2024 and the facility be operational by spring 2025.

Funding – The project is being funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund.

Provide your feedback - We would welcome your feedback on the proposal. Please complete the survey which is available online or at the drop in events. The closing date for feedback is 5th August 2024.

The Market Centre building in Tiverton is proposed to be transformed into a vibrant co-working space, providing flexible office space to support business growth.

Demand for work hubs in the UK has increased due to the growing number of people working for themselves and doing so from home and many larger employers reducing their office space and allowing staff to work from home more frequently.

Co-working space provides an environment for isolated workers to come together to network, share ideas and operate from a professional space that they otherwise couldn’t do from home.

The former youth centre and community space has been empty for nearly 2 years. This proposal will bring back into use this building, which is at the heart of the town centre, enhancing the footfall and vibrancy of the area.

The space will be designed to be welcoming, modern and professional and authentic to its setting.

The space will provide the following facilities:

  • Reception Area
  • Large open plan office accommodating approx. 20 No desks
  • Breakout space
  • 3 No smaller offices/meeting rooms
  • Kitchenette
  • Booth Seating
  • Toilets
  • Outdoor space for working and eating
  • Secure bike parking
  • Facilities : ultra fast broadband; photocopier/scanner; coffee machine

The outdoor space will require the loss of 4No public car parking spaces and some reconfiguration of the carpark layout. However, this is unlikely to have any significant impact on user availability.

Previous consultation was undertaken in Feb 2024 which sought to understand the need for this type of space and the type of facilities required. A drop-in event was held and an online survey was undertaken, with 69 responses received. This identified strong demand for this type of facility.

It is intended that the work hub will be managed by an experienced operator and the Council are currently seeking expressions of interest from potential operators. Users are likely to either have a monthly membership where they can use the space as and when or can rent a co-working desk or private studio office on a more adhoc basis.

The proposed work hub in Tiverton will complement other work hubs in the district.

Programme – Construction works are anticipated to start in November 2024 and the facility be operational by spring 2025.

Funding – The project is being funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund.

Provide your feedback - We would welcome your feedback on the proposal. Please complete the survey which is available online or at the drop in events. The closing date for feedback is 5th August 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We sought feedback on the concept design:

    The space will be designed to be welcoming, modern and professional and authentic to its setting.

    The space will provide the following facilities:

    • Reception Area
    • Large open plan office accommodating approx. 20 No desks
    • Breakout space
    • 3 No smaller offices/meeting rooms
    • Kitchenette
    • Booth Seating
    • Toilets
    • Outdoor space for working and eating
    • Secure bike parking
    • Facilities : ultra fast broadband; photocopier/scanner; coffee machine

    The outdoor space will require the loss of 4No public car parking spaces and some reconfiguration of the carpark layout. However, this is unlikely to have any significant impact on user availability.

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Page last updated: 07 Aug 2024, 11:09 AM