Do I have to be a tenant or leaseholder to apply?
Yes, this funding is only available to tenants or leaseholders of Mid Devon Housing but we will accept suggestions from officers or ward members for improvements.
What's an example of an environmental improvement?
Grounds maintenance: planting of flowers, shrubs and trees, pruning of trees or communal garden projects
Planned maintenance: Painting, repairs, fencing, shared gates flooring
Estate maintenance: Handrails to steps, communal bin stores, improved parking, bollard signs, noticeboards, community murals
Electrical: Improved lighting
Youth initiatives: Play equipment, equipment for local community groups, youth work or other community projects
Can I apply for the budget to ease parking in my neighbouthood?
The budget can fund parking signs, bollards and general parking improvements.
How much money is available for each project?
Each project is individual and improved on a case by case basis.