Getting to Know You Campaign

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At Mid Devon Housing we are dedicated to providing the best service possible for tenants, which is why, as our customers, we want to better understand you and your needs. This will help us to identify any obstacles you may face when accessing our services and allows us to provide effective solutions.

However, we realise that we may not always have the necessary information to do this, which is why we've launched a campaign to enhance our customer records, ensuring that we have the details we need to improve our service. This campaign will run over the course of 2024 and some of 2025. To take the survey, please click the link on the right hand side of this page.

What information are we collecting?

We are collecting information on household, disabilities, support needs, ethnicity and religion. Collecting this data will allow us to support tenants if they have any needs relating to a diversity characteristic.

How will this information be collected?

You will receive a letter through the post asking you to complete the survey with a pre paid envelope to return it. If you haven't returned your survey we may send you another one or follow up with a phone call. The survey is running alphabetically via surnames, as of October 2024 we have surveyed up to those with a surname beginning with the letter G. Each month we survey the next set of tenants.

Can I take the survey now instead of waiting?

Yes, you can take the survey which is the same survey sent via the post. Please note you may still receive a copy in the post. The link to the survey is on the right hand side of this page.

Data Protection

We process personal information in connection with the tenancy in accordance with the Data Protection act 2018 and UK GDPR 2020. The Data Protection principles (article 5 of the UK GDPR) sets out how we can use, secure, and retain your details. Guidance on access to your data can be found article 12-20 GDPR.

At Mid Devon Housing we are dedicated to providing the best service possible for tenants, which is why, as our customers, we want to better understand you and your needs. This will help us to identify any obstacles you may face when accessing our services and allows us to provide effective solutions.

However, we realise that we may not always have the necessary information to do this, which is why we've launched a campaign to enhance our customer records, ensuring that we have the details we need to improve our service. This campaign will run over the course of 2024 and some of 2025. To take the survey, please click the link on the right hand side of this page.

What information are we collecting?

We are collecting information on household, disabilities, support needs, ethnicity and religion. Collecting this data will allow us to support tenants if they have any needs relating to a diversity characteristic.

How will this information be collected?

You will receive a letter through the post asking you to complete the survey with a pre paid envelope to return it. If you haven't returned your survey we may send you another one or follow up with a phone call. The survey is running alphabetically via surnames, as of October 2024 we have surveyed up to those with a surname beginning with the letter G. Each month we survey the next set of tenants.

Can I take the survey now instead of waiting?

Yes, you can take the survey which is the same survey sent via the post. Please note you may still receive a copy in the post. The link to the survey is on the right hand side of this page.

Data Protection

We process personal information in connection with the tenancy in accordance with the Data Protection act 2018 and UK GDPR 2020. The Data Protection principles (article 5 of the UK GDPR) sets out how we can use, secure, and retain your details. Guidance on access to your data can be found article 12-20 GDPR.

Page published: 14 Jan 2025, 02:21 PM