Petition: Condition of highways in Mid Devon

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At a recent meeting of Mid Devon District's full council, a motion (from Cllr Rachel Gilmour) was moved, seconded and carried by the Chairman, as follows:

Mid Devon District Council call on Devon County Council to fulfil their statutory obligations under Section 41 of the 1980 Highways Act that requires them to maintain Devon’s roads and to keep them safe. Further, to explain the financial position regarding the funds promised by the Government, and received to date, the proposed remedial actions for the roads within the Mid Devon district to be undertaken before this winter and the spending/budget allocations between 2022/3 and 2025/6.

In addition, Mid Devon District Council agrees to establish an on-line petition to include the following:

"Our roads in Mid Devon have become dangerous and a liability to drivers, passengers, other road users and pedestrians. Now, we the electorate of Mid Devon District Council are calling on Devon County Council to fix our dangerous roads and if they do not have sufficient funding to demand this from central government.”

Please note that Devon County Council is the highway authority responsible for road maintenance, potholes, drainage and other transport matters within the Mid Devon District.

At a recent meeting of Mid Devon District's full council, a motion (from Cllr Rachel Gilmour) was moved, seconded and carried by the Chairman, as follows:

Mid Devon District Council call on Devon County Council to fulfil their statutory obligations under Section 41 of the 1980 Highways Act that requires them to maintain Devon’s roads and to keep them safe. Further, to explain the financial position regarding the funds promised by the Government, and received to date, the proposed remedial actions for the roads within the Mid Devon district to be undertaken before this winter and the spending/budget allocations between 2022/3 and 2025/6.

In addition, Mid Devon District Council agrees to establish an on-line petition to include the following:

"Our roads in Mid Devon have become dangerous and a liability to drivers, passengers, other road users and pedestrians. Now, we the electorate of Mid Devon District Council are calling on Devon County Council to fix our dangerous roads and if they do not have sufficient funding to demand this from central government.”

Please note that Devon County Council is the highway authority responsible for road maintenance, potholes, drainage and other transport matters within the Mid Devon District.

  • CLOSED: This petition has concluded.

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Page last updated: 05 Feb 2024, 08:29 AM