Full name
Maximum 255 characters
Contact number
How would you prefer to be contacted?
Are you a Councillor or Officer of MDDC or have been so within the last 12 months?
Are you related to, or a close friend of a Councillor or Senior Officer of Mid Devon District Council?
Have you been convicted of any offence?
If you answered yes to the previous question, please give more details here
Do you have significant business/contractual dealing with MDDC?
Are you currently in arrears with Rent, Council Tax, Business Rates or have other outstanding debts owing to MDDC?
If you answered yes to the previous questions, please give more details as to what area of MDDC debt is owed
Are you able to access a computer and broadband to join meetings remotely and view documents in advance?
Are you able to join 4 meetings a year in person at Phoenix House or online?
Please note the meetings usually take place on a Tuesday afternoon 4 times a year. Are you available on these days and times?
Do you have any questions about the role?