This survey is for tenants of Mid Devon Housing who have previously reported anti-social behaviour (ASB).
Are you a tenant of Mid Devon Housing?
Full name (leave blank if you wish to remain anonymous)
Maximum 255 characters
Address (leave blank if you wish to remain anonymous)
Email (leave blank if you wish to remain anonymous)
Have you reported ASB to MDH in the last 2 years?
How did you report your concerns of ASB to MDH?
Following your report of ASB, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with how MDH dealt with your report?
Very dissatisfied
Fairly dissatisfied
Fairy satisfied
Very satisfied
Please can you explain why you were satisfied or dissatisfied?
How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the information/advice provided by staff on your first contact?
Fairly satisfied
How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the way you were kept up to date with developments of your ASB case?
As a place to live, would you say your local area has got better or worse over the last 12 months?
Much worse
A little worse
About the same
A little better
Much better
If you think your local area has become worse, could you confirm any details in particular you think may have contributed to this?
Do you think reporting ASB to MDH could be made easier?
If you said yes to the previous question, how could we make reporting easier for you?
Use this section to add any further comments such as how we could improve our approach to ASB
Are you happy to be contacted regarding your answers?